Forum: Disability at Work
The Dignity of Work: An International Forum will bring together employers, scholars, and disability employment service providers on March 19 for a global, online event open to anyone. ICI will host the forum. Presenters from the U.S. and six other countries will share their insights.
“We know customized employment works, and we’re looking to businesses to be part of the solution to the high unemployment rates among people with disabilities.”
A Wednesday with Liz
People in the disability community know her from her video series, Tuesdays with Liz: Disability Policy for All, but it’s a recent Wednesday, and Liz Weintraub is getting personal.
Her new autobiography shares lessons learned over 25 years as an advocate for people with disabilities and as a person with life-long disabilities. It shares her love story with her husband, her complex emotions around her parents’ decision to place her in a residential facility, and early mistakes at work that taught her how to relate better to people around her.
New Impact on Self-Direction
The new issue of Impact explores the growing use of self-direction in service provision, particularly among people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Self-direction gives people the decision-making authority and responsibility for choosing the long-term services and supports that will help most in achieving the lives they want to live. It is an alternative to traditional IDD services obtained through a provider agency.