Forum: Disability at Work
The Dignity of Work: An International Forum will bring together employers, scholars, and disability employment service providers on March 19 for a global, online event open to anyone. ICI will host the forum. Presenters from the U.S. and six other countries will share their insights.
“We know customized employment works, and we’re looking to businesses to be part of the solution to the high unemployment rates among people with disabilities.”
The Promise of Self-Direction
People with disabilities who direct their own services face numerous challenges: overworked staff, siloed services, and transportation issues. Yet Nathan Turner has overcome these problems and tells Impact that self-direction is a game changer.
"It’s worth fixing the problems in self-direction because people typically know what they want and need most," he writes. "They are the best people to make choices about their services and supports because they know what will uplift them and enhance their lives."
Policy Research Brief on Hearing Aids for People with Disabilities
At least 30% of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) have hearing loss, but it is often not diagnosed or treated with hearing aids. Although hearing aids are effective, people with IDD don't use them very often, mainly because of high out-of-pocket costs.
This Policy Research Brief recommends that insurance cover prescription hearing aids.