August 2015
Five Big Anniversaries at ICI This Year
This is a big anniversary year at the Institute on Community Integration (ICI) – and it starts with ICI itself, which is celebrating its 30th year (watch for the story on ICI’s upcoming 30th year celebration in the October issue of FYI). The Check & Connect program at ICI is marking an anniversary – its 25th – with a national conference at the McNamara Alumni Center in October (FFI, visit But wait, there’s more – three more 2015 milestone anniversaries at ICI! Here are the details…
- The National Residential Information Systems Project (RISP) is marking its 30th year at ICI. Directed by Sherri Larson, RISP collects data that is a highly-valued resource for legislative action at state and federal levels, research, and policy. It is cited by agencies including the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, and National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services. RISP’s annual national and state-by-state surveys of Medicaid-funded residential and in-home supports, long-term care, and related services for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities have evolved since the Administration on Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services began funding it in 1985. Building on surveys from the 1960s-1980s, RISP has been shaped by Bob Bruininks, Charlie Lakin, Bob Prouty, and a host of other ICI staff members throughout its history. Today it continues to evolve, adding increased emphasis on family support data and new online tools to share findings. FFI, visit
- The National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO) is marking its 25th year. NCEO provides national leadership in the participation of K-12 students with disabilities in national, state, and district assessments, standards-setting efforts, and graduation requirements. NCEO played a major role in the assessment and accountability requirements in the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (No Child Left Behind). Funded in 1990, Bob Bruininks was its first director, followed by Jim Ysseldyke from 1991-1999, and Martha Thurlow, who leads it today. Among its newest areas of work are establishment of a consortium of states to develop an alternate assessment, based on college and career-ready standards, for students with significant cognitive disabilities, and exploration of the many instructional and assessment issues faced by English language learners with disabilities. FFI, visit
- The Quality Mall Web site is marking its 15th year. The Quality Mall Web site of the RTC provides resources and information from across the U.S. and abroad on leading-edge, person-centered supports for use by individuals with disabilities, families, advocates, government officials, and service providers, in a wide variety of topical areas. Sharing the most recent and best advances in person-centered thinking and supports for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, it was originally an outgrowth of the Reinventing Quality initiative, a cooperative venture between the RTC, the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services, and the Human Services Research Institute, with funding from the federal Administration on Developmental Disabilities. With help from a national group of more than 70 “store and department managers,” Quality Mall has grown dramatically and now lists more than 3,600 products in 93 topic areas, and attracts more than 100,000 visitors each year. In the coming year, the Quality Mall will be redesigned to reflect more contemporary Web features. FFI, visit
These five anniversaries are a reminder not only of the breadth of activities at ICI, but also the length of time the Institute has been building its capacity and expertise in these areas.