Review the five effects that are anticipated outcomes of person-centered services from the Minnesota Olmstead Plan. Click one of the five effects to select it and then click a statement of mental health recovery to match it. Keep trying until you successfully match each effect to a statement.


Grow in relationships
Tom hadn’t seen his children in years. With help from an ARMHS worker, he was able to make a plan and reconnect with his daughter.
Share ordinary places and activities
Ibrahim wanted to sit with the other men at the local coffee shop but sitting still made him anxious. He found that he was better able to tolerate this at when he offered to pour coffee for others.
Make choices
Jenna has experienced mental health crisis. With her husband and children she developed an advanced directive to make sure she only goes to hospitals and is offered treatments she finds acceptable.
Contribute to their community
Robert feels that working is too much for him at his age. He likes to help out at church.
Have valued social roles
Maria is able to participate in her fiesta de quinceañera because her psychiatrist and therapist recognized this is important to her and worked closely with her to get her ready.
